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Created with the energy from one tablespoon of holty water, this website offers a safe haven for all members of my hott mess of an AP class to share, discuss, and get easy points. Questions: email me
Mr. Holt
My favorite thing about English class is thinking in new and exciting ways. Understanding something that you hadn't before.
I want to teach this class because in this class I get to have discussions that I don't in other classes. We get to go deeper into texts, analyzing them and the world around us.
Samantha Corker, Mr. Sellers
I really enjoy english because it helps you learn to express yourself with words in an elegant way. I want to take AP English because I feel very confident in english and I want to challenge myself.
Tess Simms
Mr. Sellers
My favorite thing about English class is when we individually read something and then come together to discuss how each of us understood the reading. It allows us to open up to different views and even understand things in new ways.
I would life to be in AP English because English class has always been soemthing i just sorta pass without having to try too hard. I would like to experiance the more challenging side of English class.
Rhen Brooks
Mr. Sellers
My favorite thing about English is being able to show your work ethic and how good you really are at writing through your essays.
I want to take AP English because I would like more of a challenge other than the regular or advanced english classes.
Morgan Smith, Mr. Sellers
I enjoy English because it helps me learn to be a better writer (I've always wanted to be a novelist). However, my favorite parts of English are the daily (or almost daily) vocabulary lessons (as it helps broaden my vocabulary and thus keeps me from overusing words when I write) and the reading of amazing literary works such as La Belle Dame sans Merci.
I want to take AP English because I want to challenge myself. Sometimes you can only improve yourself by pushing yourself, I think.
Brittany Murphy
I'm not really sure why I love English. I've been reading and writing since before I can remember and I just have always enjoyed it. I guess it's because you could read something one time and have it mean one thing and then you could read it later on and it will leave a totally different impression on you. I like it because English isn't like Math or History where everything is constant and never changing. The same exact text could mean completely opposite things to two different people.
I want to take AP English because I want to be with people who have the same motivation and dedication to the subject as I do.
Danny Holland
Mr. Sellers
My favorite thing about English is after writing a very long and time-consuming essay and thinking to yourself, "Wow, I just wrote that!" The accomplishment of finishing an essay is a terrific feeling.
I would like to be in AP English because I'd like to be in a classroom with a group of students that have as hard of a work ethic as I do. I want a challenge, but also be in an atmosphere in which I can intelligently discuss English topics.
Greg Baugher
Mr. Sellers
My favorite part of English is when you get a paper back and there are comments such as "well written" and "good essay" scribbled on it.
I'm taking this class to elevate my knowledge of the English language in a setting I couldn't experience in regular English.
Mr. Holt
I took APE because my mom told me that I absolutely HAD to take an AP class and I thought that APE would be the easiest. I was wrong. It is a very challenging class and I love it. It is probably one of my favorite classes. I have fun. Mostly when only three people show up though. It's much more interesting because it's a lot more personal. Thanks Mr. Holt! You're a cool dude.
Great point Brittany. Literature's meaning changes as we change, because litearature, at it's root, is about all of us. "The hero with a thousand faces" kind of thing. A lot of English teachers teach poetry or fiction as if there is one answer, theirs, but the truth is that truth is relative. We all react and interpret things differently. That's what makes a class like this cool. We share.
Victoria Wilson,
Mr. Sellers.
My Favorite things about english class is writing and vocabulary. I love writing fictional stories especially.
I would like to be in AP english because i like the challenge and english class has always been one of the classes i look forward to during the day.
KriezL Ypil
Mr. Sellers
Reading is my favorite thing about English class.
I am interested in taking this class because I want to challenge my writing skills and improve my thinking strategies.
This is a reminder to all that your words and work will exist in the public domain once they are posted. This also is an English class, and I, your English teacher. Demand respect, else your voice will be lost or overlooked: proof read!
ALSO, click on the email responses box when you post, so you can receive notification via email.
Stephanie Floyd
My favorite thing about English class is either writing short stories or poetry (reading it or writing it).
I'm interested in this class because I want to be challenged in this subject and would like to be in an enviornment with students who want to be challenged as well.
Shelby Mason
Mr. Sellers
My favorite thing about English is reading or writing something and then discussing how people viewed things differently. It shows how are life experiences affect our opinions on alot of different subjects.
I want to take AP English because I would like to broaden my English horizon and for how it will look on a college application. I would also like the challenge because what is the point in coasting through a class if you dont get anything out of it?
My favorite thing about english is there really is no right or wrong you can write your opinion or your comprehension of what you are reading. Also if there is something wrong with grammer or somthing there is a clear rule to fix it.
I'm really excited about taking this class because I love to write and class discussions are always interesting and make it easier to learn.
Jenny Wheeler
Mr. Sellers
My favorite thing about english is reading novels in class. Teachers sometimes introduce new books me that I might not have thought about reading before.
I want to take AP English to help improve my writing skills. The ability to write a good paper can be a great asset later in my school career.
Cortney Berry, Mr.Sellers
I enjoy english because I love books and words and being able to form my own ideas.
I am taking AP English because I'm tired of being bored in Engish when it's supposed to be my favorite class. I am looking forward to a more challenging curriculum this year.
Skylar Haigler, Mr. Sellers
I'm really looking forward to AP English 11 because I'm extremely interested in learning how to better use the English language to persuade. I was in Debate this year and it really got me into thinking about the connotations of words and ideas and how to use that knowledge to my advantage in an open debate. I've also been interested in non-fiction works for most of my life, so when I learned that the AP English 11 class combined that and persuasive writing, I knew I had to take it.
Cristine De Los Santos, Mr. Valasko
My favorite thing about English is being able to express your thoughts and feelings through things you can write.
I would like to be in this AP class because I would like more of a challenge and i would also like to learn things in a different kind of way
Chelsea Richards,
Ms Zigenmeyer
My favorite thing avout english class is all of the different ways to learn to express yourself.
I wish to take this class to further let me learn about english and read books that are nonfiction
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