Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Week 8 Blog: A Modest Proposal

For this week's blog we are going to be creating our own "modest proposal." Your posts are going to propose, revise, or challenge other author's posts.

Our problem: Testing.

Your satirical solutions??? Have fun...


Mr. Holt said...

I think it is not too much to ask children, beginning at age 18 months (when they really have the cognitive abilities to be considered actually humans), to begin taking standardized tests. These tests, post-Fetal Aptitude and Reading Tests (p-FART), will then determine which strata of society a child will belong. If they score high enough, they are off to the best schools, most attractive peers, and most prestigious jobs (like high school principals!). If they fail these tests, societies need not burden themselves with educating them: they will be trained from an early age to perform service duties (janitors, garbage men, etc.), thus living happliy within their means and abilities.

Aggy said...

I suggest that we do away with testing all together. Absolutely every kind of test there is. Whether it is for academic purposes, testing your driving abilities, or for a certain occupation, the test should be abolished. Instead of making people study and letting them fail a test multiple times, we give them no test and just let them do whatever they're testing for. For example, if you want to be a doctor go for it, but the second you mess up, you're gone. By gone I obviously mean sent to Alcatraz. That's right! It's reopened.

Mr. Holt said...

There's got to be a more ironic thing to put in my second parenthetical (janitors, garbage, men, etc.). Any thoughts?

Aggy said...

(politicians, guidance consolers, bag boys, bathroom attendants)

Mr. Holt said...

Thanks for participating Aggy.