Monday, November 19, 2007

Week 3 Blog: Thanksgiving

In this week's post, type a thanksgiving speech. Use any of the rhetorical devices you feel appropriate


Heather said...

Mr. Holt what do you want the speech to be on?

Aggy said...

A thanksgiving speech? Like a speech with everything that we want to give thanks for? Or literally about Thanksgiving?

Mr. Holt said...

You guys have never heard of a thanksgiving speech? I'd say guess, we'll see if you're right or not.

Aggy said...

I didn't know what kind of speech you wanted for this assignment so I decided to write two. Here we go!

#1What am I thankful for? "Family and life!" would be the automatic appropriate answer that any child who is seemingly smart and happy would reply with. But why are people thankful for such minimal things? Not minimal in the sense that are insignificant, but in the sense that so many people over look them and don't realize that they do have a large impact on your everyday decisions. Life is something that every person has been given and way too many people take for granted. But I think that most people should, because so many people live by the book. That could be argued as not being by the book. So am I thankful for life? No. or I am. But everyone knows that and therefore it does not need to be said. I am thankful for the fact that I (Adrienne Johnson) have the balls/ability/personal choice to have a "life".
My other point was family. Again, they are too often overlooked. A family is a good (if not the best) place to start to learn about someone. My family is very big. That's the simplest way to put it. And I love the hectic holiday gatherings in the elbow rubbing seat sharing apartments, having to sit at the kids table even though I'm 16. I love it all. My family will never hear me say this, because it is my job (at this annual get together) to whine and bitch. And I will do that until another cousin steps up.
Those are the two things that I am incredible thankful for. And the turkey. 'Cause it's delicious.

#2Thanksgiving always takes place on the fourth Thursday of November. Turkey is the traditional main course of this autumn holiday. Families generally celebrate together. Thanksgiving is a time to celebrate everything that you are thankful for. It is to remind us of the settlers who once lived in the colonies who made piece with the Indians. There was a tremendous feast. Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful.

wanda said...

Aggy's speech was all about tradition. That's what she always sides with. I think it's pretty rare to find someone like that in our generation.

wanda said...

I didn't know what to do for this blog either, so I googled it and all that came up was speeches from George Bush. I'm going to wing it as well.

What is the meaning of Thanksgiving? The story that every good mommy and daddy tell their children is always full of Disney-worthy images of the Indians and the Pilgrims having an elaborate feast together in perfect harmony. The Pilgrims did this to show thanks towards the Indians for teaching them how to survive in the New World. Parents often leave out the details of Colonists mass murdering the Indians several times throughout history and this is one of the rare times they actually got along for a couple hours.

Many people are also thankful for the food. One reason is that parents don't disclose is the ill gotten meat sitting on the table. Turkeys are pumped full of steroids to the bursting point and stacked three high in coups awaiting their inevitable and untimely death. Multiple historians state that turkey wasn’t even offered a la carte, let alone as the main dish. The main meal consisted of duck, geese, fish, and venison instead.

The feast itself took place in late September or early October- not in November. Thanksgiving hasn’t even been celebrated as a national holiday until the 1920’s when F.D.R. finalized it. However, Americans have to celebrate it on the fourth Thursday of November.

So why do we even celebrate it? Because we are Americans, and B.M.I. statistics show that we like to eat. Even if it means eating pumped-up poultry with our Pilgrim-Indian like dysfunctional families on a completely random day. It’s what we do, just because we can. Being able to do what we want, as Americans, to me, is what Thanksgiving is all about.

Aggy said...

Wanda. You're speech is awesome. I like the "Diney-worthy images". And I agree with the randomness.

Aggy said...

Wanda. You're speech is awesome. I like the "Diney-worthy images". And I agree with the randomness.