Monday, September 24, 2007

Logical Fallacies Weekly Post 4

After reviewing the common logical fallacies, find examples of the satire they create. List the title, definition, and example of the fallacy.

Here's where to look: Choose a segment on the Colbert Report's website
Watch the video and note the fallacies used.

You'll get points for finding as many fallacies as you can. You get double points for responding to posts finding fallacies the original post didn't find in that segment.


Aggy said...

I watched "Na Na-Na Na Na Na".

1. The Iranian President obviously did not lecture at Columbia University about "Why I should not be invited to speak at Columbia University."
2. John McCain does not have an illegitimate black baby.
3. Colbert says "Nothing is more fragile than a four star General's feelings."
4. They did not fire General Shinseki because "it was too easy to call him General Titsaggy."

I'm not really sure that I understand what a fallacy is?
I asked my dad and he said "something not true." And that didn't really help me at all. So I looked it up online and still didn't understand. So this is the best I can do I guess. I hope I did it right. Maybe after some other people post I'll be able to respond and do it right.

Mr. Holt said...

Logical Fallacies, in your vocabulary list, are "false logic" -- persuasive elements that are weak and based on faulty logic or arguments:
Try: Ad Hominem, Post hoc, Generalization, etc.